Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Tell me we weren't all SHOCKED at the amount of snow that fell last weekend!! 

When I woke at 4:00 a.m. to watch the hockey game ( in order to go to church and not wonder what was HAPPENING! or, worse, have someone tell me what DID) it was dark.  After whooping it up upon the close of the game, I was ready to take Skipper out for his morning pressure relief before breakfast and opened the curtains......I closed them again!!

Just a little snow....

Removed in no time....

But it kept coming down....and down....and down....Monday, Tuesday....finally it stopped. 

Broken trees, especially the willow on Laughing Pond..... but even the upper area was loaded and some broken...

Tuesday it got a little better, but all of it did not go....
 Lanes were clogged, not much was removed, because there is just too much!  I took a walk in the "new section" with Skipper yesterday and was knee deep trying to go completely around!  Sure did remind me of Smithers....
The good news is that Smithers is - 25 and we were +7.....a little to be grateful for!!
 I hope everyone had a good "snow holiday"...I used the time to get caught up on some desk work.  
 Hope all you in the South are suitably impressed with what is going on here....DO NOT  be smug!!  I believe this happened because we sent far too many green and sunny photos out to our friends and family and they all thought DARK THOUGHTS at not be tempted to do the same!! Just joking, of course!

At the Bistro on Tuesday Karen Kimmerly was telling us about a new book she's looking to publish soon.  It is a Healthy cookbook and if you've ever sampled her recipes ( at Christmas or potlucks) you'll know that she is an expert in her field, because everything that is good for you TASTES good! So watch this site for availability. 

   Hope you all have a happy day.  I certainly intend to!

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Last time I wrote there was enough going on, but now it's really booming and things are getting done!
First off, we had the Epicure party with Lynn and it was a great get together.  She had a whole table of sample dips and fruit, cheese, crackers....if you weren't able to come, you missed a lot.  Maybe next time!

MarJean was the winner of the free Hostess gift!   

Then we saw the big earth movers come in and ( hurrah) the Butterfly Pond now has a path for dog owners and walkers to enjoy the looks from that area while taking poochie to the dog park!

Recently we had visitors whose kids thought it fun to take the stone work that Linda Cleft  had put around the garden area near Jane and Dave's place  and chuck them as far as possible onto the ice.  I'm afraid I was angry and shouted at them to stop, as I was busy pruning both bamboo and blackberry canes further down the pond.  They ignored me and continued, until I made to go over and put an end to their inconsiderate actions. They ran off. They were teen girls, I believe.
   Next day I scared some of John and Susan's guests by emerging from the blackberry thicket where I was pruning because I had my pruning clippers and a claw rake one to each side and Susan's poor guests thought I was coming after them with a bow and arrow because the little boy was playing at the ponds' edge.  They were quickly reassured!!  

  With the first scenario  in mind,however,  could we all keep and eye on our visitors?  It is such a lot of work to maintain the Gardens for Linda and she has put a lot of "back work" into putting the various paths in for us!

 I asked John Kelly about bins for dog refuse.  There should be some forthcoming.  Too many bags are being tossed into the forested area on the road over the bridge.  It is unsightly and rude to do, but SOMEONE  is doing it.  Hopefully it is visitors, and not our own people!  With dog pickups it should get better.

So that's all for now...any news beyond my small observations would be welcome!

JULY AND AUGUST the dog days of summer...

 By July the garden at Chemainus Garden was in full swing.  New beds were constructed that weren't claimed. Many pros...