Friday, December 4, 2015


Since my last post several exciting things have happened that I need to pass on immediately.

First off we had the Jazz night, which was a tremendous success!
You can read more on the Facebook page for Chemainus Gardens, but these photos given by Karen Kimmerly get the feel of it a little.
Karen took a course to be able to serve drinks, the setup was nice for seeing the band and, from what I understand, only the lighting was a bit of a problem.  I'm sure a fix will be forthcoming for the next event, as the overhead fluorescent lights were the problem, the regular lights were fine, but too dim for the musicians to see by!  Seems a few "booklights" would be the solution or something like that.


After that total success ( more will be planned I bet) we had a small but great showing of jewelry that Judy Smith brought to Karen Kimmerly's home on a Sunday afternoon. The featured jewelry was designed by Krista Smith! Karen, always noted for great food, had a nice little spread for those attending and I understand the party was also a good success!


 Judy shows all the pretty things she brought...the girls love them!

A meeting with Management at the Bistro with 2 reps from the new Residents Association brought a new and more open dialogue between those in the Park and those owning or Managing the Park.  Everyone was pleased with the outcome and old attitudes can be put to rest.  We are looking forward to good or even great results from this new relationship.
A new bulletin board for notices from the Residents Association and Suggestion box in the Bistro is now a reality.It will be checked weekly and anything to the Management should be clearly marked, as we won't open it then.

Mostly everyone is aware that on Tuesdays, at the Bistro, we have a coffee hour.  It is so much fun and anyone is welcome!

 This is a time to meet your neighbors and friends for a friendly chat once a week.  Sometimes it really makes my week!
The    VICTORIA TIMES COLONIST   is always available, as well as a puzzle table set up for everyone.  Books on the shelf are loaners and if you're looking for a coffee or tea or hot cocoa, it's all there for much less than downtown at $1.00 a cup!

Come up anytime to enjoy a time alone or with a friend.

On Thursday evening the new  Emergency and Disaster Committee met at the Pavilion with 22 people joining for the first open meeting to discuss Emergency Preparedness with representative Sybille Sanderson.
Booklets were given out to test us "first" instead of last.  This being to show us how little we are really prepared for an earthquake, fire or flood PERSONALLY.
I could tick off about 4 things I'd done in this regard, but nowhere near what I should have. Great suggestions were given by Sybille for water, food and a "grab and go" bag.  Because we live in an Earthquake zone we had a lot of discussion about what to do... some of the things you learned as a kid aren't always right anymore! I was surprised to learn to stay inside, not run outside!
many more surprises for me, too, in the area of home fires. Do you close your bedroom door at night?  You should!  It can mean precious extra minutes of oxygen for your lungs to enable you to get that bedroom window out and yourself too!
 I encourage EVERY member of the Community at Chemainus Gardens to come to the next seminar.  We are encouraged to act as a Community during disaster.  The Army won't be there, but your neighbor will be.  If you do your part, it makes it easier to come together for times you need each other.

And a happy-for-her-sad-for us farewell to Pamela Kimmerly. She has moved on, but is only a short distance away, so we'll see her again. Best wishes for a happy home to her! In her beautiful home we have Al and Laurie Foster Welcome to them and their dogs, Willie and Waylon....


JULY AND AUGUST the dog days of summer...

 By July the garden at Chemainus Garden was in full swing.  New beds were constructed that weren't claimed. Many pros...