Saturday, February 3, 2018


Old view from the beginning of the Hermits Trail

So many changes so fast.  It doesn't seem like 7 years has passed and suddenly what we KNEW was ahead is finally here!
All my beloved quiet walks have to be done earlier and earlier in order to actually be quiet....
But I do enjoy meeting all the new people who have come for the same reason I did!  Enjoying each others company and sharing our past lives and professions is very stimulating, so onward and upward!

 My usual walk has been "the loop" from the alley way around the ball fields and either right down to town via the Canada Trail or left, through the Hermits Trails and down to the Canada Trail. Either way you end up at Chemainus Road.

looking back at the entry 
looking up at the trail
   Corina wrote a great article about Charlie Abbot in the GARDEN VOICE, so I don't have  to tell you the story, but can show you the route via photos.
new view to the right

 To get to that entry of the HERMITS TRAILS, you go down the Alley at the lower entry and across River Rd and keep to the left  to the end of the ball fields.  Make a sharp left onto a trail.  
Looking to the side I now do not see forest. I see lots of trees down and soil disturbed.
Travelling up the trail you come to a fork. Take the right fork and soon you will see this lovely sight.  Charlie's work for years is now visible, though sadly in disrepair. When we first got here there were spring bulbs growing everywhere...snowdrops were lush along the path with bluebells and grape hyacinth.  Now it has been stripped and only ivy grows...choking out the beauty that was once there. Only indigenous plants and ivy ( a horrible invader) remain and the moss is thick.  
 continuing up the path several lovely rock beds are revealed. All done by Charlie Abbots wheelbarrow and strong back!

This is both the entry and exit onto the Canada Trail. Coming down and turning to the left takes you to 49th Parallel grocery store, turning right takes you past the new development you saw on your trail down.  Now you will look up toward the ridge.

toward 49th Parallell to the left over Askew Creek

What used to be deep forest has now been cleared to the property line at the Canada Trail.  I already miss the shade it offered on a hot day! Looking up at the ridge you can see the ball field area in the house to the left that houses the toilets etc.

Taking the hill to the right off the Trail you see the area being developed.  It was once the dream to establish a place for Artists to live.  That dream was for many years a Community rally point. Many artists lived and worked here. Chemainus was really an Artists Paradise, but the market fell and everyone who had generously donated to the dream lost out. If you read the wall under the brush you will see many donations were made for this to happen. But investment withdrew and a new plan was presented a few years ago to develop single family housing, bringing to and end the Dream.

Going up the hill again you find you're at the Ball Field and through the Alley to Chemainus Gardens where work is also progressing...

And so ends the tour of the Hermits Trails and Canada Trail.  Walking them is lovely and the only thing you need to do if you're taking a dog is to make sure if they are small that you leash them. VERY large dogs are on that trail at times and can be unleashed. You do NOT want your dog hurt.  And please remember not to put your hands or face between 2 dogs!! If you must interfere with dogs, catch the larger dogs hind legs and pull. They will let go.

Cheers and Happy Trails!


JULY AND AUGUST the dog days of summer...

 By July the garden at Chemainus Garden was in full swing.  New beds were constructed that weren't claimed. Many pros...