Wednesday, March 19, 2014

MARCH..Between the Lion and Lamb

Many happenings this month around the Pond and reaching to other Ponds!!

Waterlily Pond walkway has needed attention for a couple of years, so I have pruned and raked out many of the flowering plants that have been choked under years of neglect.  The bamboo, after the snow, had so bent and cracked that some much needed pruning was done there.  If anyone wants bamboo stakes, I have piled them beside the path for use. Feel free to take some! Just to reassure anyone wondering, I consulted with a horticulturalist and brought her here to look at the bamboo.  Originally it was planted just in certain spots, but it travels underground and she assures me you CANNOT kill it, only tame it with pruning to make it fit the landscape.



 Many new Park Model homes have come in and are being set up.  Loudly, I might add!  Sometimes the music can be heard up to the top of the Gardens.  Not really restful, but...what can you do??
  Whenever we've had sunny days most are out with rakes getting the winter out of the yard ( no snow around, though). 

Karen Kimmerly has finally got her new cookbook to press and here is her "press release"....

Chemainus Resident  publishes book of  flour-free,salt-free, sugar-free recipes!!!

March is nutrition month and the name of Karen Kimmerly's book pretty much says it all :

No flour, No sugar, No salt.....No Problem!!!

easy as 123 recipes is packed with simple, easy to make, delicious recipes that will help you replace empty calories with healthy nutrient rich meals.

You'll find recipes like   THAI SPICED PUMPKIN SOUP,  CHICKEN MARBELLA,  and my Go to Company dessert 
FLOUR-LESS CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE GLAZE , says Karen Kimmerly, a retired Medical Laboratory Technologist.   Kimmerly's motivation for publishing her recipes is to share her efforts in fusing good tasty food with the wish to be the healthiest she can be.

 The book retails for $20.00 plus shipping costs.  To order the book or connect with the author:

Karen anticipates a book launching when she gets all the books in, so look out for an announcement for  it here when she organizes it.

The dog park is usable.  Skipper and Charlie and "the other" Charlie played about, though most were happy to go free through the "woods".  

The can is usually fairly full.  We managed to get the first one to the dumpster, but it was really too heavy.  Half bags would be better. So far Marjean and Lyle have done it, so we need volunteers ( with dogs that use it) to come on Thursdays to help Lyle get it emptied.
Please let me know if you can help.

Chris Marsh has a new website up.  It is :

I've checked it out.  If you like good photography, you should too!

So far that's it.  Hope the "away from home" people are doing well and looking foreward to all the changes that have come since they've been away! ( Dave and Jane this means YOU!!) We are all looking foreward to seeing you with the good weather!


JULY AND AUGUST the dog days of summer...

 By July the garden at Chemainus Garden was in full swing.  New beds were constructed that weren't claimed. Many pros...