Brian and Gerry were putting in the last bed that will be put in this year. It was quite warm, though cloudy, which is nice.
A nice deer fence, gates that can close and 5 raised beds are now planted. I understand Jane planted many things, but I'm sure others helped somewhere and I just don't know who to say Kudos to!
It couldn't look nicer, either!
Brian brought me a plant with spit like stuff on it and asked what it was. I wasn't sure if it was a good bad or indifferent species of bug, so I googled it and found it to be a spittle bug. They are generally not a problem, but if they get going they can be, so I went online to find some solutions people could refer to.
The best website I found was:
This site gives a good spray you can make yourself if there is just too much spit around!
Soon we'll be saying goodbye to Marjean and Charlie ( the dog). I am quite sad to say goodbye again to someone who has proved a good friend, but hopefully when we go over to the States we'll see her settled there.