Sorry this has taken so LONG to come out! I had more stuff to do than I remembered and now it's all caught up it's almost the end of January. Time to put the photos out along with the good memories!

It was cozy and warm looking when everyone started arriving with food in hand.
I can honestly say everyone had a wonderful time together and Mary won the 50/50 draw, which must have been a nice surprise Christmas gift!

We were met at the door or the counter by really nice staff who proceeded to explain how the food worked! We got to pick from a basket for our appetizer and from another for our entree. Charles and I got a nacho appy and then he got seafood and I got a pizza. Wow. I took home some for later! The whole experience was very "UpTown" and a welcome new place to have locally.
Since then we've been enjoying the rain! And it is soooo pretty when it rains and all the trees sparkle when the sun hits them.
I have a creative writing piece that our grand daughter wrote that I'd like to share, just for fun.
A businessman is walking down the street. In front of him is a little old lady walking her small Schnauzer dog. This man is walking as fast as he can, because he's going to be late for his most important business meeting of the year. As he walks he suddenly smells something everyone dreads to smell just before a meeting! DOG
So this man arrives at his meeting ( that he's already late for) and is walking in at the same time as trying to clean his shoe. He smells gross and his meeting goes down the drain.
How would you like to be that man? I'm sure we've all stepped in some unwanted gooiness before!
PEOPLE! pick up after your dogs, it's not that difficult! even if it's a small one! I know that one day these could be way better smelling streets. I know some of you people don't care, but this stuff is hard to get off the shoes!! Think about may think, "oh, he's just a small dog. I don't need to be his personal cleaner", but YES YOU DO! Some people don't have time to go all the way back home and wash off their shoes. Sometimes people who have lots of money like to buy overly expensive shoes. Respect the Street!
Another reason you should pick up after your dog is that other dogs will come along and see the other dogs waste and decide to see if it tastes good. Before you know you have a pooch addicted to doggie droppings! That's the way dogs get worms.
Well, at least the Vets will be getting better pay...
So this is why you should pick up after your dogs. I've got two words for you people: DOGGIE BAGS!
Though we are doing pretty well with this issue, a reminder is always in order!
Have a great day!