So for the past month we've had lots of RAIN. Dripping, dropping,'s all been included. Sometimes with wind, sometimes without!
As I walk around I really admire what is happening here. People are friendly and dogs well mannered.
The other day I was talking to a possible new resident who was thrilled to find a place where her dogs were treated well and it seemed everyone lived "by the rules". She liked the fact that there was a Residents Association and that management was listening to our voice here.
The Dog Park is well used now and the toys there are adequate for most the bigger dogs, but since small ones use much smaller things to play with, owners usually bring theirs in pockets to throw while the dogs run to fetch happily.

Garden Club News
Speaking of Gardens, the Garden Club is getting excited! We had our first meeting in January to organize a bit and set out basic courtesy measures for all who wanted to participate in this years Garden Club. Everyone who had signed up came and we had a good conversation on how we wanted to proceed.
Various members presented thoughts on garden design. Here Laurie shows us her former gardens on rocky soil. They sure look like they produced well!

In town it is sad to see CHEMAINUS FOODS close permanently. I really miss walking down River Rd. and over to the store and downtown area. It seems really empty now and actually sad. It's pretty on Main St., but there isn't the same atmosphere without the food store. Yes, Rexalls has some things on hand for emergencies, but not having that bustle in the middle of the town is kind of a let down when you go. When I'm in the church garden there is much less bustle and the stores are mostly specialty meant for tourists now.
An old time resident told me to cheer up, as there have always been "cycles" in Chemainus and we just got in on a downswing!
On the other hand it is nice at 49th Parallel for coffee and shopping, but it is a much longer walk and carrying home the groceries is doable for now, but I will miss the closer store in another 7 or 8 years!
As was noted in the Residents Association newsletter, 49th Parallel delivers groceries Tuesdays and Thursdays for free in town. The phone number is noted in the letter, which is emailed and posted in the Bistro as well as by the mailbox and at the laundry house..
Of course everyone has noticed the huge structural differences being made on Phase#3. I was taken aback by all the old trees coming down, but then that had to happen in Phase# 2 also. I'm sure everyone will be pleased when it's all up and running ( though I warn you, it takes awhile!)
So for now, enjoy the rain of the "Wet Coast" and know it will help revive our lovely flora and fauna.