Saturday, November 19, 2016


After 5 years, the Laughing Pond people are truly happy!   

Well, it's been a productive year in the Residents Association for both the Executive and the Residents!  Lots has been happening since my  "Last Post" in March and more will be happening in the future.  I decided that, instead of standing for the Executive this year or Garden Club Chairman I love to write and that is what I'd like to do again.
 I've been urged by some ( especially those who go away for up to 6 months) to write again and tell the story of the Gardens  in pictures as well as words while they are not here. Some do not subscribe to FaceBook and won't be doing so in future.    SO....

I need to ask you, as Residents, to please give me feedback or inform me when things  happen in your part of the Park that you think others might like to know.  Several times I have passed on information directly via email to the group when bears have been spotted or (as last year) a Cougar was in the area. So please help me with the Residents news and views.... If there is a photo you take of birds, ducks, weasels, otters, or raccoons and you'd like to share it with others via this venue, please attach it in an email and send it to the above address and I'll include it in the Blog.

Fran makes coffee

Today, November 19, was our 2nd Annual General Meeting!  It was so great to see such a good turnout. Coffee was served along with Timbits....a big thank you to the Social Committee!!

2015-16    Executive 

                          Brian , Rick , Barry , Karen , Elizabeth 

Outgoing Chairperson, Barry Kimmerly, addressed the Agenda for the meeting and all items were voted on by show of hands.

 Announcements:  anyone not on the email list were asked to sign up if they wanted news via email from the Residents Association. A signup sheet was provided for this.  Also a signup sheet for each of the Committees: Social, Garden and Emergency. 

Item 1:  questions about what the outgoing executive has done over the past year.  No one had questions! 

Item 2: Whether the one vote for one household was good or did we want to change it?  the vote was to keep this.

Item 3:  Acceptance of the Mission Statement: voted to keep

Item 4: Discussion on number of Executive: voted to keep numbers higher than lower

Item 5:Whether we wanted to continue to elect a chairperson by ballot or if the group that stood for the Executive elect their own from among the group:  voted to allow Executive to choose their own chairperson

Item 6: Discussion on Term limits for Executive: voted to keep 1 year terms for a good changeup yearly, keeping it fresh.

Item 7:  Executive Election: this year 6 people volunteered to take up the Executive positions so no ballots were needed.

    It was a really open discussion time for the new Executive to hear the questions Residents would like put to Management on concerns around the Park. Several items were added to the list for the new Executive to address to Park Management. So far we have a good relationship with the Management. We all need to be patient for some things, for others it will be good to have representation that will bring up our concerns  to Management. So we all wish the new Executive well!

                                    2016-17  Executive
            Ron, Sharon , Maureen and Dennis, Bruce and Jane 

I am sending this first blog out to the previous list of people who wanted to subscribe last year.  If you are interested in receiving this blog, you don't need to do anything. BUT I will take you off the list if you'd rather not have it come to your email.  Just write me, my email address is :  Because this is a "private" blog what I write has only my own bias! Please let anyone new to the Park know if they'd like to be on the email list of mine..I do not have any lists of people unless they personally give me their email.

I'd like to take the opportunity to announce that the Residents Coffee Time is at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays.  Sometimes there are many, sometimes a few, but it's always nice to have coffee and talk about a variety of subjects that DO NOT include Politics or Religion.  Respect for everyone's opinion is the key, whether you agree or not. Winning arguments is not the point, being friendly to your neighbors is! Several new residents who will be moving in after the New Year already attend to get to know their neighborhood. The Park is growing so fast that it is nice to be reassured that it's only getting better!




JULY AND AUGUST the dog days of summer...

 By July the garden at Chemainus Garden was in full swing.  New beds were constructed that weren't claimed. Many pros...