Though we were upIsland for the St. Patricks Day celebrations here, I got some really nice photos anyway...thanks to those contributing!!
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Our St. Patrick Day treat! |
Though it seems like we've got a permanent winter, and Spring is late and Rain is driving us all crazy, there are things to be happy about and at least one great surprise I can confirm for you.
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taking the old road out |

We'll never see them this big in our lifetime....
A little sun and...LEAVES!
Beauty in the tiny flowers that currently dot the banks of the side pond near the bridge...
As I ramble about with Skipper I meet lots of the townspeople of Chemainus who are now familiar with us and are curious as to what is taking place "over there" in the Gardens. For 6 years now I've walked the many variations of trail and asphalt to get "to town" and have made good friends along the way. The gardeners at CEDAR VILLAGE are great folk and we have many a chat about our ways of dealing with the public in Public places! Pete and Val do the public garden areas of CEDAR VILLAGE and recently the strata voted to post a sign on the front entry barring those who do not live in the Village from walking their animals through to the ball Park. They are actively enforcing this policy as, sadly, people walking through are letting dogs onto lawns to do their business and the residents are tired of this. Not that people don't pick up, necessarily, but that they allow the dogs halfway into the private yards to do their business!
We discussed this, as we have our share of THEIR people here and some of the same problems. Their people feel our woodsy environment is a great place for their pooches to run free and we walk our dogs through their domain to avoid the mucky and rutted road along the "back ally" to the ball park.
Pete and Val know me because I do the private gardening for one of their strata folk, so Skipper is usually with me and that is fine with the strata. But while talking to them I got some good news confirmed that another Resident shared with me about a month ago:
The strata has voted to pave the back easement that they own!!
This means the "back ally". They would like the Residents here to know that this easement has to be kept up by the Village at Village expense ( which means Pete and Val do the ally). They actually own this ally and the only reason we can use it is because of the homes beyond it. The pavement will end at the end of the VILLAGE itself, but that fine by me!
Pete and Val are happy to make it a nicer road for everyone, but would really like our cooperation in PICKING UP DOG POOH. Many ( not just us) feel that once in the ally they can let the dogs loose and wherever they do their business is up to them. Sincerely, as one who has had to scoop the leavings of dogs and cats from public areas, there is no nastier job! Especially if it is in long grass or leaves.We can give no greater thanks to them than observing the request of a good neighbor! I for one will be glad to have a smooth walk down a road without potholes!!
This will be so nice, as it's just been a lousy "pet walking" year!
The plan is for the end of May, though it might take least there is HOPE for Fall!!
In other news, we welcome back Kirk and Wanda Bellamy and dog SweetPea to the "cool" South Island. It's so nice to see the Snow birds return. Dave Adman should be here soon, too, I think.
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Welcome Home! |
While on a trip out to DINTERS Nursery we decided to stop at the
CROSSROADS CENTER on the corner of Koksilah and the Island Highway. We wanted to have a couple of mattresses done for our van and knew there was a foam shop there. WELL. There's more than that!
I spent time in the GREAT GREENS Farm Market and got some very good pricing on everything from vitamins to cheesie puffs that don't use genetically modified corn! Fresh bread, a deli and a wonderful coffee shop are there also. In fact these people really know how to get loyal customers....I'll give an example:
We stopped by to pick up a sandwich for lunch while going to Victoria earlier in the week the sandwiches were SO good! Well, we ordered coffee before we started on our way and I got a latte. I decided to treat us by purchasing a strawberry scone..they had fresh ones out. So while I finished shopping, Charlie bit in. He didn't say, but when I bit in I thought maybe there was a surprise cream cheese center, but it was DOUGH. I got up, took it to the counter and told the girl the story. She immediately gave me my money back and INSISTED that I take anything else I might like to nothing. I was quite insistent that it was fine and I'd just buy another thing to eat with the reimbursement. "NO" she said,"our must get over the awful sensation of having dough in your mouth!I must make sure you come back for a pleasant experience!" I was truly grateful and chose a wonderful cookie and had it for lunch too!
You can bet they've made a friend for life!
And if you love horses or the kind of things that Equestrians love, you'll not want to miss the Equine Emporium.Carrying shirts, shoes, dresses, I loved the fragrance of leather ( a fragrance that I've lived with for almost 50 years till lately).
An equally lovely shop is called BELLA'S Gifts and More. I got a small porcelain koi fish for my collection! It was very reasonably priced.
The Foam shop told me that they are joining with the larger supplier of foam from Nanaimo. They will have many more features and better pricing by doing this. They invite anyone to check them out if you need any custom work for RV's or home.
Well, though the forcast is for more liquid sunshine, we will hope that the REAL sun will be peeking out for more warmth for us.,
Have a wonderful day!