In some ways, it's been a blessing: ie. new plants and lawn come up much healthier in misty, cloudy weather, but in other ways it's just too long and the grey gets to you! Step in vitamin D supplements!
Our last good couple of days was at the end of May when our Social Committee had a GAMES DAY. It was held on the far side of Laughing Pond ( the one you see first) near the Park lamp. It was such fun and many who couldn't stay for treats and games came to see everyone else and visit. One especial visitor was Ann's new puppy, Star. She was so small and had just had shots, also it was warm, so she visited the adults and Ann took her home.

The Committee set up a pavilion but it was too warm and not enough shade in the area.
Residents along the Laughing Pond got together at Diana and Rick's place for a nice cool drink and a place in the shade to watch the games!

The games organized were both fun and, believe it or not, took some skill! Some of the games were totally new to me, but looked like a lot of fun. It was definitely a good time had by all!
While I was away another wiener roast was held at the new Gazebo. I'm really hoping that Management will let the Residents look after this area properly. A Community Work Bee would be fun...and everyone could meet afterward for a pot luck or wiener roast...
Right now it is overgrown with weeds and rye grass. All these things spell fleas and ticks. With so many deer roaming about please do be careful in this area. Ticks are especially bad on long grass. Rule we follow is: Short pants, short grass. Long pants, long grass. Easy to remember and follow. Charles got a tick bite and has suffered ever since, though he is certainly better than he was! It took 2 years of research to find something for HIS system to help cope with the aftereffects. I really wouldn't want to wish this on anyone, so please be careful. Dogs should be kept out of the long grass, too, as they are also carriers. You can get a monthly application from the vet to stop fleas and ticks, though it is costly.
For those of you who have asked me about Roses during this tough year I promised to post a personal recipe for bugs and pests that do attack.
1 cup of Listerine ( full strength only)
1 cup of Chamomile Tea
1 cup of Murphy's oil
Mix and spray under and over the leaves. A clean plant is a healthy one!
For others who are reluctant to buy BOBBEX I have another recipe that I got from England where a friend asked about it in Kew Gardens.
The recipe:
1 litre of water
1 egg yolk, press through a sieve to remove all white and add to the water.
1 Tablespoon of baking POWDER
Mix thourally and spray on your plants. It's worked fine for me many times, though I also use BOBBEX at seasons be beginning to discourage deer from nibbling the tender shoots of any plant.a
Apply every 2 weeks.
I've put a link to a web page on the CGResidents FB page that helps to understand why we have such a preponderance of a variety of ills on our roses this year. Mostly because of dampness and mold and mildew.
In Phase 5 many things are being cleared away and you must also
see the dust fly! It will be very pretty when everything is done, but meanwhile it is pretty dirty in the back and the garbage bins can overflow at times!

- This girl is a REAL trucker. She is really a hard worker and was eager to tell me about the new area. It will be nice, though I always regret seeing the large cool trees going away! So much good wood there! When we cleared land in the North of the province we used to have the mills pick up the wood and they'd give us what it was worth AND haul it away!
Another Event was the Ice Cream Social, which I really wanted to attend, but couldn't because we were summoned to Victoria to meet our grandson whose 7th grade class was touring the city. We were quite hot that day and ice cream would have been nice!! We settled for Refreshers at STARBUCKS at Centennial Square.
We were told it was really fun.....
For the Rest of June it was cool and downright cold for many days.
But on July 1st the sun came out and it's been warm since.
A Pet Parade was announced by the Social Committee for 11:00 a.m. on Canada Day. What fun was had by doggie owners and their pets. Skipper joined at the VERY end and enjoyed meet and greet with those who had jaunted around the whole Park!
Many got good shots and those of us who did that got to stand in the shade!
Brian probably got the most photos...he followed everyone the whole way!
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Skipper joins the Parade! |
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Maggie being obedient |

My personal favourite was BEN, Judy's cat....why not??? in a Pet Parade you can make your own rules! He was used to the pram and allowed Judy to wheel him around.

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All Participants....and their owners, of course! |
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Organizer Fran with her intrepid crew...a great job! |
At 1:00 p.m. the celebration began at Honeymoon Point, and boy was that decked out!

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Nice in the Shade at Honeymoon Point |

So for every level of participation, whether sitting in the cool or playing in the sun, our Games and Weiner Roasts and IceCream socials are meant for us all. And BIG thanks to Fran and her Social Committee. It was a wonderful Summer because of your efforts on our behalf.
So I'll close with a Wish for everyone: have a Wonderful Summer.
I'll be taking a break also, but back atcha in the Fall!