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Wow it's been a busy Spring! To see how quickly roads and driveways are being put in is a joy.. only 9 years in the making!!

We are so delighted with how things are going and what great new neighbor's we are getting that it seems like a dream come true. Finally "almost done!"
All the yearly events that the first group began years ago are still popular and allows us to interact with each other and grow together as Community.
New people should understand that the term "Phase" doesn't go chronologically! The "first residents" live on Orchard Way to the Butterfly Pond and covers the branch of Cherry Lane facing Laughing Pond to the Works yard.
"Phase 1" begins with 100 and goes to the bottom of the hill. Phase 2 goes up the hill and then Phase 3 and 4 went in. Phase 5 begins at the Works yard and down the hill and then Phase 6...the final Phase sets in. So when you see "Phase" anything...those are the boundaries and NO, it doesn't make SENSE!!
New people should understand that the term "Phase" doesn't go chronologically! The "first residents" live on Orchard Way to the Butterfly Pond and covers the branch of Cherry Lane facing Laughing Pond to the Works yard.
"Phase 1" begins with 100 and goes to the bottom of the hill. Phase 2 goes up the hill and then Phase 3 and 4 went in. Phase 5 begins at the Works yard and down the hill and then Phase 6...the final Phase sets in. So when you see "Phase" anything...those are the boundaries and NO, it doesn't make SENSE!!
One of the first "annual"events in 2011 was always a Garage Sale. Of course everyone who comes believes they HAVE downsized..UNTIL they move in!!
That is precisely why our sale is such a success.. sooner or later reality sets in and it is necessary to make room for different items in a small space. So the entire town looks forward to our Spring Garage Sale.
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Wendy displays her "for sale" items |
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New neighbors from Phase 6... Pat joins in |
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Pauline always has a great table! |
Opportunity to talk to Barb about the BLOCK WATCH in the Park should be taken seriously. We are not a gated Community and there are many singles here. We need each other to help or give advise so do take part.
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Wanda and Kirk from Phase 1 did well I heard.. |

The afternoon dragged a little but most the vendors were happy with their "take"...
Judy and Donna took the time to chat, as we all did, meeting new neighbors and chatting with those not in "our" Phases! Donna is in Phase 5, while Judy is in Phase 1! It is a large acreage, so it is easy to slip into "just neighborhood"... Community is in the heart and joining in is so much more fun than observing alone.
Always be ready to meet a new friend!!

PT helps a customer choose something from his collection..
Now this is TOTALLY Ursel... I ask for a photo and it's a last minute tongue out. I share it with you so you know this is normal.

I HATE forgetting names.
So I am trying to remember the other ladys name and am coming up blank. Since I can change this at any time, let me know as soon as possible and I'll include her name!!
So cottenpicking embarrassing!
The Park as it progresses:
Ready for paving...
ahhh....so nice!

Just keeping in mind the Golden Rule helps everyone., " Do unto others..."
Several things go on all year. One is a puzzle table, which I set up on the mezzanine, as it gets the best natural light all year. Please feel free to "help" anytime you're in the Pavilion!
Charles and I went to the LIVING FOREST for a weeks holiday with our daughter and son in law on their 25th anniversary ( we celebrate 50 this year!) and I thought to share a place that is a fun family place to camp with family.
Looking at the Nanaimo River at high tide. towards Nanaimo proper. It is about 6 minutes to downtown and all activities.
Living Forest has well kept facilities and enforces loud party rules. This makes for an enjoyable day with children or grandkids! and at night it is quiet..no noise allowed.

Many lovely spots to rest, but put on bug dope, as sand fleas and spiders do have their homes in the area!
Of course the views were spectacular, but you do have to climb in order to enjoy them...it is not a breezy walk...only for awhile!

Halfway there at the tip of the Island overlooking downtown Nanaimo,is a spectacular view and a sort of gazebo. Also a bathroom shortly thereafter, which was truly appreciated!!
On a very hot day, bring lots of water...it is a climb to get to anywhere other than the flat trail where you begin.

There is a Commons room with games and tv and puzzles and dvds you can use when the weather is like that...
Saturday we went to Saltspring Island for the day....

There's lots to do that's free, and lots to do and see that isn't!

Winery as a special treat. It was a really nice winery..reminding me of some in the Penticton area. The wine was limited, and does cost for tasting.
For us spoiled Chemainiacs the views are pretty, but a lot like what we live in here in the Gardens!! So many people were ooohhhing and ahhhing at the duck pond..nothing new there!!
The tasting room is quaint and well done. An outside sitting area has a nice feel, though you can't take drinks far due to BC regulations.

California has a similar kind of wine growing country near where my father lives near Lodi.
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25 years for them, 50 for us!! |
THEN came the 1st of July...bright and sunny as the Dog Parade began at the Pavilion. So many cute outfits!

Registry and lineup was next and Diana issued orders for the outset.

Joanie with Dyson and Kia with Lynn... Maggie with Barbara and Pauline with Jazz....all were gorgeously dressed for the morning celebrations!
The end of the tour was a little spotty, but all dogs did their best and wanted to go HOME.
Judging: 1st place went to Doreen and Monty
Second place was Joanie with Dyson
Third place was Jane with Trixie

This photo of Dyson and Kia was taken by Joanie and allowed to put up for all to see. The caption is:
Groom Dyson,
Bride Kia.
By 11:00 Charles and I went down town to join the celebration there. Great entertainment, lots of kids stuff to do and a big Canada Day cake served by the Museum and Ice cream from 49th... I haven't missed except when we go to Barkerville on Canada Day.

Love the atmosphere there! Everyone of the volunteers are happy helping, and exhausted by days end!! Thank you, Volunteers!!
Some are in our Park too...
The children ended up as cats, spooks, butterflies etc and it was really cute to see them running around! The makeup artists are local kids that volunteer their time too. Good parents let their kids volunteer!!
Then down to Kin Beach to watch kids and parents cool off as the tide was out. Lots of red shirts out there this particular day!
Because I wanted to take photos of the Pot Luck we walked up to the Pavilion from town.
This was what was left!!
Well it was nice to see everyone at the potluck...such great food and well presented. Again, the Social Committee needs people willing to participate in these functions so if you're willing and able, contact Diana Groves or write to the Residents Association. Or ask Pauline, or me or.....
Good to see all the people taking part. Jill had family over and they enjoyed the day with us.
Cathy and Sharon always make me smile...
Thank you to all who allow me to photograph them and let me post!
Last week we had a scare, as a window on the mezzanine was broken. The guys from the Pavilion Committee came up and looked at it. Their opinion was that possibly pressure on old glass caused the damage, or something else...large bird hit?

Thanking Lyle for a fairly fast fix with a sheet of plywood...even if it is ugly!!

This is Dorothy and Gils garden...Look at the corn!!
This is an experiment in potato growth. If it works many of us in the Gardens who can't grow things in the garden here for various reasons might grow a crop on the deck!
Beds are kept weeded and the area around each bed is to be kept weeded by the owner of the plot. So far it's worked well. We are expected to make the place neat and clean to uphold Gardens standards and keep it looking good. Our biggest problem so far has been squirrels and rabbits. Companion planting is popular, notice the nasturtiums...
And with that my observations and opinions end. Hope it was helpful ....
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