"PLEASE, may I have a candy?" says the old lady...".Naar...growls the old man it's Trick Or Treat!"
This was my prize winner for Halloween Trick or Treat!
Hope your time with family was good...or just with friends! Several homes decorated with either Fall themes or outright Skeleton and Witch stuff! Did anyone get Trick or Treaters? We didn't, but we had a nice evening watching the Oilers and Canucks play......!!
Wow, what a month! Lots of rain, as witnessed by the Ponds...all filling and looking beautiful after all the summers work...especially the Waterlily Pond. A huge effort and I'm sure well worth it on these days...looking at a pond that you can actually see! I love the new Island and it's golden juniper...especially pretty when a little fog creeps over it....
There are many "new" people moving in. Please make them welcome and get to know them... Tony and Fran left last week, but will be back with the sun. Heather is back, too, and it was nice visiting with her and Richard at the Bistro on Tuesday morning.
I saw Bruce walking Shadow, so they are also back and a BIG welcome back to Marjean and Charlie!
Meanwhile, Kelly and Linda Ockey got a new family member: meet Max!
I really had to insist on them being near, because it gives you an idea of just how tiny he is! Seeing him being cared for by both the Ockys warms the heart!
Now is the time to put the garden to bed, Fall fertilize the lawns and prune unruly plants. Also in the next few weeks wrapping the Emerald cedar ( not against snow, but against deer) because the fodder gets less abundant and your plants become a prime target!
Now is the time to do pruning and transplanting. Get the area ready to put in plants that need the good old winter "water in". Be sure to water things in tubs or ceramic pots ( NOT those from Mexico!). If you have Mexican made pots be aware to put them on their sides for the winter months to avoid cracking, filling with water from rain and then freezing can crack them.
I filled in the spotty parts of our lawn area that never got properly put in...hopeing that this will do the trick so our lawn in back looks nicer over the next summer ( even without a lot of water). I also cut back the Ginko in the back to grow from a trunk fork higher up. The lawn guys had a hard time mowing this year, so I lightened it up!
If you didn't get to see OVER THE RIVER AND THROUGH THE WOODS yet I still have 2 tickets available on 2 for 1.
Well, that's it for now....