The Camillia near the Pavilion are budding and are usually with us first with the Witch Hazel.

The weather this week has made the last of the snow disappear and just when it finally gets "gone" it may just return this weekend! We all know, however, that Spring is on the way!

In the Dog Park suddenly a beautiful string of murals appeared today and everyone was pleased with the effect! It is worth going down and seeing it, though I'm going to post photos for those who can't do it just yet.

The murals were done by a painter by name of Carriere and have been in storage for awhile. It is evident that they had originally been in a room because there are cutouts for electrical boxes in them. Where I do not know!
The Garden Club met yesterday at the Bistro and Agnes Aaberg was appointed Chairperson...many new members came and it was a smooth "transition of power...." to use a phrase that has been dodging around the Internet lately!
Dorothy agreed to stand again for Secretary/Treasurer, and the men agreed to draw up a new garden compound plan for the new area. I cannot be part of the group this year, but will gladly cover their progress for everyone else as well as me! I was happy to meet Patty Parsley finally also. Joan Garlick mentioned that her new neighbor had that interesting name and that it complimented her own...showing how very prone to gardening those at Chemainus Gardens are!!
I saw Brian and Gerry down in the new area today making drawings and with a long measuring line. Likely a few more planning meetings will be called before work actually begins!
Anyone still interested in joining the Club should contact Agnes for details.
Well, I'm just getting my own garden trimmed up and pruned for the Spring and will keep you informed
of whatever is interesting to the Community ( with photos if you tell me). If you get a good photo that you'd like to share, please send it along to my email address to include in the Blog body.
Otherwise here is to a lovely weekend....
PS. If there is anyone going to the Jazz night and would take photos for me for the next Blog, could you contact me? I cannot go to everything, but don't mind a "guest writeup", in fact, the more the merrier!
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